Ocular Professor Wordpress Theme

in Wordpress Themes March 29th, 2009 Tags:

Ocular Professor Wordpress Theme

Version 1.3 was designed to utilize some of the new features released with WordPress 2.7, most notably threaded comments. The theme is still backwards compatible with WP 2.5+, but the comment formatting will be slightly different for pre 2.7 versions. OP has been tested in OS X with Firefox, Safari, Camino, and Opera. It has also been tested in XP with IE 7, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. I don’t have any plans to test/tweak for IE 6 ;P.


  1. Threaded comments (WordPress 2.7+)
  2. A widget-enabled footer with special styling for all default widgets
  3. A “Featured Post” section that, when enabled, allows posts to sit outside the normal flow of blog posts (for pre 2.7 installs that don’t feature the ’sticky’ posts)
  4. Special formatting, such as drop-caps and image captions
  5. Author comment highlighting


January 24th, 2009

  • Version 1.3.1 released
  • Fixed an issue with wp_footer(); hook that was affecting plug-ins
  • Added a style rule to improve image scaling in IE

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