Anatomyinc Wordpress Theme

in Wordpress Themes March 22nd, 2009 Tags:

Anatomyinc Wordpress Theme

AnatomyInc is a wordpress theme suitable for corporate, portfolio showcase and personal blog with rich features.

Compatibility: -Tested on Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Opera, Internet Explorer 6, 7, Safari, Chrome. -Wordpress 2.6.x & 2.7 -Threaded Comments ready for wordpress 2.7

Features: Background Images -Opacity to allow background images impress website visitors (works well in IE 6 thanks to JQuery png fix). -You can set whether the background images stay in fixed position or scroll through. -Opacity in featured section, main content area and navigation menus. -Simply change the image and you’ll have brand new look for your website.

Image Resizer -Simply upload image with any size and the theme will rescale to fit the theme layout. -Wide image for featured section, tall size for accordion and boxed size for homepage content. -Single name for Custom Field.

Featured Content Slider. -Wide images layout for slider, small square for slider navigation. -Optional animation sequence for featured slider. -Limited content retrieval to protect text from breaking the homepage layout. -Select any categories to display in featured slider.

Accordion Slider -Set any categories to be displayed in accordion section. -Showcase images/contents in impressive way. -Set number of items to showcase in accordion section.

Navigation Menus -Dropdown menus with javascript effects. -Opaque navigation menus.

Widget Ready -Three Positions widget.

Package -Includes: PSD file and link to beautiful background image design.

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