Redoable 1.2 is now available and is compatible with both Wordpress 2.0.x and Wordpress 2.1
Redoable is built upon the popular K2 code, with some things changed, a couple of things removed and a whole bunch of things added.
The sidebar is module/widget ready, with over 20 different modules available to use. By deafult the sidebar will work without the need to add any modules, and will display the calendar, categories, tags, blogroll and listen and watch modules depending, of course, on whether you have the relevant plugins set up.
Two of the modules, ‘Listen’ and ‘Watch’, make use of categories in Links, you can set which category and how many links to display in the Redoable options panel. The idea of these is to provde links to music, movies etc that you might be enjoying at the time. This was based on a method described by
Redoable 1.2 is now available and is compatible with both Wordpress 2.0.x and Wordpress 2.1
Redoable is built upon the popular K2 code, with some things changed, a couple of things removed and a whole bunch of things added.
The sidebar is module/widget ready, with over 20 different modules available to use. By deafult the sidebar will work without the need to add any modules, and will display the calendar, categories, tags, blogroll and listen and watch modules depending, of course, on whether you have the relevant plugins set up.
Two of the modules, ‘Listen’ and ‘Watch’, make use of categories in Links, you can set which category and how many links to display in the Redoable options panel. The idea of these is to provde links to music, movies etc that you might be enjoying at the time. This was based on a method described by Matt Brett.
Sidenotes will be shown on the homepage. The category and number of sidenotes can be set in the Redoable options panel. They are displayed using Matt’s Asides technique just as they are in K2.
As with K2 the Extended Live Archives can be setup from the Redoable options panel, and you can also enable the Archives page. I also added support for Alex King’s Articles plugin, and once the plugin is activated the Articles page can be turned on or off from within the Redoable options panel.
On top of all this there are countless tweaks here and there to just about everything, too many to list here and many are probably barely noticeable.
Note: Redoable is not a style for K2, it is an independant theme. You can have both K2 and Redoable installed on your blog at the same time as they do not share any config options and can be configured seperately.
The following plugins are supported by Redoable ‘out-of-the-box’, and all are highly recommended. All you need to do is download them, add them to your plugins floder and activate them. If you know of any great plugins you would like to see in future releases leave a comment or send me an email.
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